Stage 1
Cleansing, Energy Healing and Protection
When nothing else interferes with the soul and body, development occurs much easier
People, being energy-informational creatures, are at the same time receivers and transmitters of energy. Consciously or unconsciously, we influence each other.
Someone's negative influence is:
♻️ damage and curses, stealers, love spells, etc.
♻️ evil eye, envy, etc.
♻️ someone else's programming (for example, through fear or greed, a person can be programmed for some actions)
♻️ the influence of various entities connected to the energy channel and the will of human
Own negative impact:
⚓️ karma, contracts, and oaths (including from past incarnations or family ones)
⚓️ fears
⚓️ beliefs (often self-evil because of one's own beliefs)
⚓️ negative qualities of a person and traps associated with it (greed, vanity, pride, etc.)
Each of us is capable of both improving and clogging the field of another person. And just like we have the hygiene of the physical body, every person should be able to clear their energy fields on an ongoing basis.
Join the energy hygiene march with us!
With the help of the reiki, you can solve the following tasks:
This practice will be useful for women who want to say goodbye to all their exes to release their energy and allow them to enter something new into their lives.
Who took up the back - he will deal with it until the very old age. It is regrettable - but in the first half of life we aggravate our situation, respectively, the same amount of time is needed for healing.
Therefore, yes, whoever took care of his spine - introduced a new way of life, and new habits into his life, and this is for a long time. Well, we will turn these classes not into a routine, but into a very interesting pastime. In the circle of interesting people, combining with interesting events and meetings.
AlphaGravity training
invented in Ukraine
Charging gymnastics
based on Qigong
Involving new habits in you clean body
Choose your interest in (you can point on a few pictures):