Stage 1

Cleansing, Energy Healing and Protection

When nothing else interferes with the soul and body, development occurs much easier

People, being energy-informational creatures, are at the same time receivers and transmitters of energy. Consciously or unconsciously, we influence each other.

Someone's negative influence is:

♻️ damage and curses, stealers, love spells, etc.

♻️ evil eye, envy, etc.

♻️ someone else's programming (for example, through fear or greed, a person can be programmed for some actions)

♻️ the influence of various entities connected to the energy channel and the will of human

Own negative impact:

⚓️ karma, contracts, and oaths (including from past incarnations or family ones)

⚓️ fears

⚓️ beliefs (often self-evil because of one's own beliefs)

⚓️ negative qualities of a person and traps associated with it (greed, vanity, pride, etc.)

Each of us is capable of both improving and clogging the field of another person. And just like we have the hygiene of the physical body, every person should be able to clear their energy fields on an ongoing basis.

Join the energy hygiene march with us!

Cleansing and protection program
Begine from the body - it it the easiest way.
When you'll clean the body - the mind will levelup automaticly and imidiatelly!
Cleaning the body
1 STEP. Bioresonance wave diagnostics of the whole body will give you the knoledge of your weak places that you shoul give maximum attention. (1 day)
2 STEP. Body cleansing from all kinds of parasites.
(2 months)
2 STEP. Food and Nutrition as a permanent protestion from any kinds of paresites
Booking for Bioresonance Diagnostics
Clean your etheric bodies
The lessons are sequential.
All cleansing activities are carried out on the waning moon
All defenses are on the rise
Universal days - full moon and black moon
Cleaning of alluvial Programs
We are erasing the old programs of suffering and laying a new foundation based on Love and Acceptance, first of all, of ourselves.

What you learn to clean in this lesson:
  • damage,
  • evil eye
  • small settlers
Methods of purification by the elements: fire, water, air, earth, ether.
Make a Booking for a privat Workshop

With the help of the reiki, you can solve the following tasks:

  • Cut Old Relationships with Reiki

This practice will be useful for women who want to say goodbye to all their exes to release their energy and allow them to enter something new into their lives.

  • reiki as a way to improve well-being
  • create materialization ways in your body and your mind
Make a Booking for a privat Workshop
Cleaning your selvedamaged programs, beliefs and attitudes
  • remove you karmic debts,
  • tear down contracts and vows from past lives
  • finishing birth programs
  • purge harmful beliefs and attitudes
Make a Booking for a privat Workshop
Protection the Energetic Bodies
You will learn how to set up your basic protection.
  • protection with the help of runes, ancient letters, conspiracies, and the like - these are protections that will need to be supported by their energy all the time they are in effect. Suitable for high-energy people.
  • Self defense
Apply for invitation for this Event
♥️Cleanse the ethereal & material body

♥️Remove superficial programs

♥️Transform negative energy

♥️ Control your will

♥️Learn how NOT lose energy

♥️Form a protective shield around yourself

♥️Learn how to feel any energy leakage

♥️Remember how to repel attacks

Stage 2

Body Work

Let the energy flow freely through your body

Systematic maintenance of the spine is the key to vigor!

Who took up the back - he will deal with it until the very old age. It is regrettable - but in the first half of life we aggravate our situation, respectively, the same amount of time is needed for healing.

Therefore, yes, whoever took care of his spine - introduced a new way of life, and new habits into his life, and this is for a long time. Well, we will turn these classes not into a routine, but into a very interesting pastime. In the circle of interesting people, combining with interesting events and meetings.

  • Removing the clamps in the body.
Beloyara Club activities
Nowadays we meeting twice a week near Backeranlage park in Zurich
Stretching. Alphagravity (Alfagravity)
The vertebrae are stretching
Removing vertebral compression
Removing muscle cramps
Want to try the Training

AlphaGravity training

invented in Ukraine

Relaxing Massage + Tok-Sen
Massage with a hammer and wooden nozzles. Despite the tools it is a gentle and light massage, the hammer has more a vibratory role than a percussive one. However, with these tools it is possible to workout the deepest muscle clamps.

Want to try the Massage

Charging gymnastics

based on Qigong

stage 3


Unlock the secret power of your body

Сlub activities

Involving new habits in you clean body

  • Feeding the body with nutrients,
  • vitaminization,
  • filling up the body with energy
Here you can find a Check-List of Nutrinion products
Good Food Habits
Involving new habits in you clean body
Delicious, Supertasety Food Restaurant & Delivery you can find here
Activ life
Join to our events and activities in Zurich and in Travelings
Look the list of our Events
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