
Welcome to our circle!
We hold periodic meetings with family circles, less often only with a women's circle. At meetings, we just spend time, communicating, learning something new from each other, sharing information and knowledge, and conducting various practices.
▼ Upcoming event▼

June 21 / Zurich / 12:00

Our rules

Positive communication and a field of unconditional love
Our meetings bring together people from different countries, religions, and professions. And what unites us is love for nature and the world, acceptance, and tolerance.

We are creating a field of shared knowledge. Two auras amplify each other by 7 times, if people are like-minded people, the wave is the same, directed to one goal.

3 people - 7 squared, that is, 49 times.

If there are 4 people, they strengthen each other by 7 to the 3rd power - 343 times!

Therefore, the more people, the more valuable each next one is, it multiplies the power many times over. The team is a great force!”

K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Joint Creation
Man is like the Creator.
The basic task of a person is to create - to create something meaningful out of nothing:
  • from microscopic cells to create a whole person,
  • to build cities from sand and stone,
  • from thought to create entire cultural currents ...
But we do not create only for ourselves. A person needs company, a society that will take advantage of what he has done. A healthy person is always motivated to do something for others, and in loneliness, the energy of the Creator fades, so the environment is so important so that there is someone to Create for.
What do we usually do in a meetings?
We communicate
Drinking tea with snacks
Philosophical attitude to life
Thematic lectures and practices
Everyone can try himself as a teacher
Sharing knowledge and methods
Tell me what you know
Helping each other
In our circle we are like a family
Managing home and family, relationships
Sharing experience
Housekeeping and Permaculture Aesthetics
Human Status
Tell me what you know
Meta Skill Practices
We learn to feel the world
Fireside gatherings, tea parties
To the guitar
with tea
Sound Healing, Tambourines
Healing Souls
Round dances
Revealing Souls
Celebrating nature holidays
We love the Earth and she loves us!
Alternative history
Joint Research
Vedic traditions
Traditions of our ancestors
Workshops and craft training
DIY creativity
Healing the body
Would you like to join our meetings?
▼Fill out the form ▼
And we will invite you!
You agree with our Terms and Conditions
Do you have any questions? Write!